

Everything you need to communicate properly and lots more

Everything you need to communicate properly and lots more

React as you

Express yourself freely

Express yourself freely

Feeling energetic or inspired about a post, react on it

🤩 🔥 🤗 🎉 👏 🚀 ✨

Spaces for your audience

Create and share

Create and share

Get your audience join your circcle, for better bonding

Communicate effectively

Communicate effectively

Only community mangers are allowed to create communities

Post anything useful

Post anything useful

Got something any useful link or image, post it

Secured database

Secured database

Backed by planetscale

Backed by planetscale


Communities of every industry.

Communities for everyone

No limits on the size of the group.

Pin important posts

Yeah you can pin relevant posts

Unlimited storage

Cloud-based storage for groups.

Public communities

Connect with open communities

Post relevant vidoes

Got any informative vidoes, post it

Host virtual events

yes, you can host events soon

yes, you can host events soon

yes, you can host events soon

Express yourself, even when you're apart.

Connect and bound together freely

Get started